Six beauty trends to ditch in 2016

Hello everyone!

So it's already January 20th and this is my first post in 2016.  My year started with a lot of internet connection problems, but hopefully that issue is resolved (fingers crossed).  

So let's get started!  From mid-length haircuts to no-light gel nail polishes (which I ?), 2015 brought us a lot of beauty trends, but there are a few trends that I think should be left behind.  Check out the six beauty trends to ditch in 2016: 
  1. Instagram eyebrows - The Instagram brow or the faded eyebrow, is very popular among MUAs because it photographs well, but in person, it is very odd-looking.
  2. Heavy contour: Contouring has been around for years but it reached new heights in 2015 with techniques like clown contouring.  
  3. Waist trainers: While many believe that wearing a waist trainer will help them get an hour glass shape, the results are only temporary and can cause some health problems. 
  4. Overdrawn lips: Thanks to Kylie Jenner, the obsession with lips got a little out of control in 2015. 
  5. Crazy nail art and nail shapes:  Whether nude or coloured, claw-shaped nails need to go away.  In 2016, file your nails into a squoval for a more natural look.
  6. Insanely long extensions: This year it's all about texture and short, chic cuts.  Everyone is going short, so now's the time to take the plunge, just go for it.
These are six beauty trends I really don't like!  I prefer the natural look, at least for everyday; natural make-up, nails, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.  If you are a fan of any of the trends I mentions, I'm not judging!  Fashion and make-up should be means of self-expression, so DO YOU, always! 

What is your least favourite trend?  Is there a beauty trend you just can't stand?  


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