The amazing beauty benefits of honey

Hello everyone!

Today's post is dedicated to the sweetest skin-loving ingredient, and one of my personal favourites; honey!  Honey does not only have numerous health benefits, it has also been used for centuries as a natural beauty product.

Honey is... 
  • Naturally antibacterial, so it's great for acne treatment and prevention.
  • Full of antioxidants, it is great for slowing down ageing.
  • Extremely moisturising and soothing.

Check out these blog posts to learn more/view additional DIY beauty recipes using honey:
DIY: Milk and honey hair mask
DIY: Yummy facial scrub/mask
DIY: Greek yoghurt, oatmeal and honey facial mask

Tip: Always use pure raw honey.

And for more recipes, check out this infographic by Beauty Secrets Revealed: 12 amazing beauty benefits of  honey.

Is raw honey part of your beauty regime?  

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