
Showing posts from December, 2018

Four types of diagnostic tests

Hello everyone! In this blog, I always talk about the importance of lifestyle to health and wellness.  However, an apple a day doesn�t always keep the doctor away.  We still need to visit the doctor and sometimes go through medical procedures.    In this post, I want to talk about  diagnostic tests ; what each exam is for and what to expect during the procedure.  Going through any diagnostic test would make any person anxious.  It is perfectly normal to feel nervous when your physician orders an exam to diagnose your condition.  However, learning about each exam can give you  peace of mind .   Here are four types of diagnostic tests that can be done at facilities such as Middletown Medical Imaging. Open MRI Scan If you are worried about a traditional MRI scanner, you can ask your physician about an  open MRI scanner .  It features an open design that brings you mental and physical comfort during the procedure.  You m...

My FSJ shoes picks

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.  - Marilyn Monroe Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well. Recently I was introduced to an amazing online shoe store called  FSJ shoes .  FSJ makes shoes, suitable for every style and occasion.  You can find them at  and trust me; you will find, more than a few, shoes you love! At FSJ shoes you can find a lovely selection of shoes including  kitten heels .  A kitten heel is a short, slender heel, usually from 3.5 centimetres (1.5 inches) to 4.75 centimetres.  Personally, I love wearing a kitten heel, especially in the daytime.  If kitten heels aren�t your style, then you can also find  stilettos, flats, chunky heels, wedges and many more .  In today�s post, I put together some of my favourite shoes that I wish I could have in my closet right now. Here are a few of my favourite pairs from FSJ : Green Vintage Heels Pointy Toe Women's Kitten Heel ...

My Christmas wishlist ?????? 2018

Hello everyone! Christmas is almost here...  Are you excited?  As I have done in previous years, today I will be sharing my  Christmas wishlist  with you. The best part of Christmas is GIVING !  But� most probably,  ??  your loved ones also want to get you  something that you will love.  I always recommend making a wishlist of some sort so that loved ones are able to spend their money gifting you something they know you actually want. I have made two separate lists.. .   Gift ideas under  � 50 Gift ideas over  � 50 Do you like the gifts I chose?  Which one is your favourite?  And, what's on your Christmas wishlist this year? Similar posts: My Christmas wishlist 2017 My grown-up Christmas wishlist 2015