Acne update | DIY: Honey and Aloe vera mask

Hello everyone! Recently my acne has been flaring up again, which is very strange considering that I've been on a 100% dairy-free diet for a few months. [ Can food allergies cause acne? ] I haven't consumed dairy products in years, other than milk chocolate and mozzarella on my pizza, which I now removed from my diet. If you want to know more about dairy-free diet, check out Go Dairy Free and Got the facts on Milk? (The Milk Documentary) . Anyway, to heal my acne as fast as possible, my go-to DIY is a honey and Aloe vera mask . This is a really simple face mask recipe; check it out! Ingredients: 1 teaspoon organic raw honey 1/2 teaspoon pure, cold-pressed organic Aloe vera gel Method: Stir the honey and Aloe vera together and apply over your face. Leave it on for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse off. I n my experience, the Aloe vera gel ...